Saturday, June 1, 2013

Make a website for FREE and Learn Internet Marketing THE RIGHT WAY! (Marketing Online Part 1)

(Marketing Online Part 1)

Go to Part 2
Go to Part 3

Hello, I'm Joshua Skillman.  Today I'll be teaching you step by step on how to set up a website for free and grow your business drastically.  First off feel free to me an email, ask me any questions you have about this guide to YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS.  I used to be just like you, searching from site to site looking for the quick magical way to GET RICH.  Well let me tell you, there is no magic software or E-book, but there is INFORMATION that you can gather from those experiences.  I also don't use Pay-Per-Click advertising anymore, it works but it's extremely inefficient in comparison to what I'm about to tell you.  I went from nothing to being one of the most successful internet bloggers online, with over 100+ blogs making me money as well as 50+ websites.  This is the same strategy I people use at GoogleYahoo, Apple and many more.  How did I do this you ask?  Well let me tell you how RIGHT NOW.

PART 1- The Plan

First you need to create a basic plan, don't just jump into creating an online business/website thinking you'll be successful.  Create a business/site that promotes your own strengths.  Mine is writing articles.  I can write an article such as this one in under 5 minutes!  So obviously blogging was the way for me to go.  But if you are good at, maybe set up a site for online poker classes.  I'm sure you can create the perfect website idea based on your strengths.  Second find a resource, do you have an armada of tech savvy friends willing to help you with your business/site?  Do you have your own start-up money so you can sell your own products?  Everyone has a resource no matter how small.  Third only do this if it's truly your passion so you don't make this a pain for you to do and you truly enjoy it.  Last but not least, FIND AN OPPORTUNITY. When looking into starting a business find out a way to make your site VERY different from the rest, don't make it complicated with all these pages and forums, etc.  Your opportunity will be using a product or service that others will want, you need to have a high demand for what you are selling.  You need something that will truly sell itself.  So now you have an idea for your plan.

PART 2- Create a FREE Website.

This is the easy part, you now have a plan and you can simply create your site and get started, you want to do this as FAST as possible though.  If something takes a long time, think of a way to cut it out of the process.  Here is a a website connected with google that give your a way to set up your own FREE WEBSITE FOR YOUR BUSINESS .  Use it and get your plan working.

PART 3- Use Plan And Learn More

Now that you have set up your free website you can use your plan effectively.  But you still don't know enough to make yourself a millionaire and GO BIG.  This takes more information than I can fit in this article and frankly it's to valuable to just give away.  If you contact me by email I will teach you personally all the secrets that we marketers have.  You will go from making $100-$300 a week to making a 6 figure-8 figure income.  I'm dead serious.  So go out there my young padewans! Make me proud!

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