Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My Advice To Becoming Wealthy - Joshua Skillman

Now to start off this is simply a blog article, I'm not selling you anything, not a scam, not a get rich quick scheme and sure as I hell don't need you money.  This is simply advice from a very wealthy young man to the rest of the world.  I know these are hard economic times and I want to teach you how to truly become wealthy in your life and retire successful.

I'm Joshua Skillman, entrepreneur, businessman, blogger, investor, and pretty much a man of many skills.  I highly suggest you grab a pen and paper and take notes, because this information WILL change your life and how you deal with money.  Now there are likely many questions you want to ask but my first question for you is.  Why do you want to become wealthy? Write down at least three reasons why so when you are done reading this you can remind yourself of your goals.

First off I want you to understand that there is a HUGE difference between "Wealth" and being "Rich".  Being "rich" is all about just having a large sum of money.  Having "wealth" is taking that lots of money and investing it so you continue to keep your riches.  So in other words WEALTH IS LASTING and BEING RICH IS NOT.  You can clearly see this with lottery winners who spend their millions of dollars they win in less than a year and become just as financially stuck as they were before.  This is because they didn't Invest! What are true investments you ask?  I'll get into that in a moment, but first I want to tell you about the three kinds of people in this world.

First we have employees, these people are always raised to "work hard, go to school, get a job, save money".  They simply want to feel safe as they continue in their lives.  Now the sad thing is that all of these people are the lower or middle class.  They may get rich through promotions but most of 99% of them will never be wealthy.  The second group of people are big businessmen, they were raised to "Let others work hard for you, invest, make money".  Big businessmen have employees do all the work for them as they make tons of cash from the businesses and companies they own.  They are willing to take the risk of investing in their own businesses and continue starting new ones.  The final group are investors, they simply invest in anything that makes money for them with little or no work.  Employees and big businessmen work for them.  They are the top 2% in this world and they know it.  They have achieved true wealth.

Now how do you go from an employee to an investor?  I will tell you how I did this.  I first started off working as a desk clerk for a small insurance company, filing away and filling up cubicle space.  When I suddenly noticed online how cheap real estate was these days.  I created a plan and decided to venture into my first real investment.  I moved out of my apartment, bought a truck with a camper on the back and quickly put a down payment on a foreclosed home which was only $2,000.  While fixing up the place I lived in this tiny cramped camper for an entire year until I had finally paid the full $20,000 on the house.  I then rented out the house to someone for $1,000 a month!  In less than 2 months I was back in my apartment and I began reinvesting in buying more and more foreclosed houses until I had over 50.  All rented out to people and making me over $35,000 a month!  Now you can completely see how this process works, you buy a house rent it out and continue doing so over and over.  But I didn't stop there, I then invested in stock options trading, building my own business (, and over time began investing in other mediums I easily understood.

The main problem is that most people think investing is risky.  But actually it isn't risky at all, as long as you invest in something you understand and know, buy low, sell high, and control how much you invest so it never goes above the actual money you have.  A huge difference between big businessmen/investors and employees is that employees spend most of there money on things, house, car, etc.  When big businessmen/investors spend almost all of their money on investments.  For some reason employees think that their house and car are assets when really they are liabilities.  They pay month after month to the bank and don't make any money in return off of them.  In my case I turned a house into an asset by renting it out.  But an asset is only something that gives you money with little or no work.  A liability is something you continuously pay money on.  So no your house nor your car are an asset.

Now the main reason you SHOULD NOT SAVE MONEY is that it is truly the worst investment you could ever make in your life.  It has high risk and you likely will make little or no profit.  To many things can come up when you will need to spend that money.  Plus the government can print money faster than you can spend it and by the time you have more money inflation has made it worth exactly the same as the amount you started.  So what you should do is INVEST INVEST INVEST.  But be sure to invest in what you know.  I have learned over the years that everyone is a genius, maybe not in academics but in a very specific field.  Such as writing blogs, painting, eating food, fixing cars.  Find what your field is and invest in it by starting a successful business or investing in other things.  Academic genius is practically worthless, yes they may become doctors or scientists but very few of them know how to truly function in the real world and may be rich but are rarely WEALTHY.  They buy a house and car and all kinds of things but rarely have any money when they finally retire or die.  Leaving them just as helpless as the rest of us.

Now the biggest reason you should invest while you are younger or in your mid-life is so you can "use your health to gain your wealth" and then when you retire, "Use your wealth to maintain your health!".  That way you can live a long and happy life.  I want all of you to do this.  Use these words in this article to your benefit and become wealthy like me!  GO DO IT NOW!

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