Sunday, June 9, 2013

Waging A Marketing WAR!

Image Is Of What a Marketing War Should Look Like!

Competition in marketing is worse than any other field I know.  Constant battles over website views, product sales, and higher rankings in SEO(Search Engine Optimization.  These battles are endless and ever constant online and off.  Each time you set up a website, blog, online store.  You are adding to your army and armada to do battle with your competition.  But how up to date are your weapons?  Are your fighting machine guns and bombs with spears and rocks?  Today is the day that you learn....HOW TO WAGE A MARKETING WAR!

First you need to build up an army, or force to help you in your campaign against enemy marketers.  You can learn how to do this in my other post Building A Marketing ARMADA.  This force must be completely loyal to you and work efficiently as you target specific weaknesses in your consumer market.  People are easily tempted to buy when you use the right images, keywords and strategic thinking.  Don't think of yourself as trying to make as much money online think of this truly as a battle, a constant fight and you must win your spoils of war.

PART 1- Advertising Tactics
Advertising tactics can be as simple as talking about your blog in your own website, or posting ads for your own products you are marketing.  This is an excellent strategy because you are advertising for yourself rather than getting paid to advertise other peoples products.  Another method is using PPC advertising, which can be costly but it does pay off if you use the right keywords.  My favorite method is by creating alliances with other sites, blogs and various marketers.  A good alliance can create a GREAT advantage over enemy marketers.

PART 2- Forming Alliances
As I spoke of in part 1, forming an alliance can make a huge difference when targeting a specific market.  Use strategies together and build up views and sales that equal to more profits for both people.  I recently formed an alliance with my good online friend  Corey Franklin, he is very skilled and understands why working together can benefit us both as we are waging war against the competition.  He writes great marketing information in his website  I'm very amazed how far he has come so quickly.  You too should find someone who will help boost you as you move forward in your assault to make sales.

PART 3- Do Battle!
Now it's time to do battle with your enemy marketers, you have an advatage over them with your personalized advertising, webpages, websites, Armada, alliances and skilled weapons to use at your leisure.  Form a strategy by making posts through social media and begins watching as people begin viewing you and your army's websites, blogs, and various other mediums like mad men.  It's time to get your spoils of war!  It's time to make money!


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